Clinical Supervisor Standardisation

In order to attend our clinical supervisor standardisation, you must comply with either of the following:

  • You are a Registered Veterinary Nurse or Veterinary Surgeon currently employed by a Training Practice affiliated with The College of Animal Welfare (CAW)
  • You are an active clinical supervisor for a CAW student within your practice.

Our clinical supervisor standardisation sessions are free of charge but are only offered to those who meet the above criteria.

Standardisation events are essential for all clinical supervisors that are supporting veterinary nursing students. All clinical supervisors must attend at least one standardisation event per year.

The College of Animal Welfare’s standardisation sessions provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with other clinical supervisors from a variety of practices. Meet up with other clinical supervisors, share best practices and find out the latest news and developments in veterinary nurse training. You will also have the opportunity to work on any problem areas to ensure that clinical supervisors are working towards the same targets and standards.

To book a place, select the relevant course below, fill out your details and submit.

Your information will be checked by a member of our short course team in order for your booking to be processed.  You will receive a confirmation email in due course, at least one month prior to the course date if booking in advance.

Don’t forget to book onto Clinical Coach Congress, our annual event aimed at veterinary nursing training and student support. Open to all Training Practices and clinical supervisors throughout the UK and is a recognised standardisation event!

Descriptions of each topic

1. First Steps

This is aimed at revisiting the first steps of being a clinical supervisor. If you are a new clinical supervisor or restarting after a break this is for you.

2. Improving your Information technology and OSCE skills

Learn how to use the CAW VLE to support your student and improve your knowledge of OSCE skills.

3. Tutorials to assist supporting and planning for students’ progress

An overview of tutorials covering how to use tutorials successfully to plan, set SMART targets and review progress.

Book your online training