Grow Your Own Veterinary Nurse with our Practice Placement Scheme

We Need More Veterinary Nurses!

If you have tried to recruit qualified veterinary nurses over the past few years, the chances are you will have struggled! At best you may have had a few applicants, at worst you could have spent a small fortune on recruitment advertising, all to no avail.

There just aren’t enough qualified staff to go around – for the 6,174* practices that exist across the UK, there are just 19,335* Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs). Bearing in mind a significant proportion of RVNs will no longer be in practice, and large veterinary hospitals and practices can employ over 20 nursing staff on their own, the numbers just don’t add up!

*Figures provided by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 2021

Download your free placement information pack

By Providing a Free Placement to a Student, You Can Help!

We currently have diploma and degree level student veterinary nurses looking for unpaid work placements in veterinary practices across the UK.

If you have not been involved with veterinary nurse training for some time, you may still have visions of the old bureaucratic, and costly, course and training practice approval fees… Times have now changed! There are no wages to pay, no course fees to pay and everything to gain; including the possibility of a fully qualified member of staff at the end of it all!

And what’s more:

  • All work placements are unpaid!
  • You interview the student beforehand!
  • There’s no need for extra insurance!
  • You could keep your student for the duration of their programme!
  • Upon qualification you could even find that your student becomes your next loyal qualified RVN!

Get Involved!

For a free, non-obligatory chat, please call our Placement Liaison Team on 01480 422060 or leave your details here and we will call you back.

“We have an exceptional student from The College of Animal Welfare (CAW). She proves herself to be a true asset to the practice every single day. Our student brings up-to-date and relevant ideas to the daily routine which we actively encourage. Her enthusiasm and training at CAW has also helped us to develop and ‘freshen up’ some of our existing protocols and routines. 

We decided to become a Training Practice again in 2014. This was a very easy process and it didn’t cost us a single penny to do either!” 

Holly Cooper RVN, Head Veterinary Nurse