eportfolio support sessions monthly2

ePortfolio Support Sessions for CAW Clinical Supervisors

We are pleased confirm that we will be running monthly ePortfolio support sessions, for CAW clinical supervisors who are supporting VetSkill students! These sessions will be delivered via our new virtual learning platform, and will take place on:

  • Wednesday 14th October at 2pm
  • Thursday 12th November at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 16th December at 2pm
  • Thursday 14th January at 9am

Each session will include a presentation explaining the resources available on the VLE and an overview of the ePortfolio. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions in the live chat and participate in live polls throughout the sessions, making them even more interactive and informative!

If you would like to attend a session, you need to ensure that you have access to the Clinical Coach Standardisation area of the VLE, which can be applied for via the CPD area of the CAW website at https://cpd.caw.ac.uk/clinical-coach/standardisation/.  Once the application form has been processed, you will receive an email to confirm you have access. We would advise you do this as soon as possible, if you do not already done so, to allow us time to approve your application.

There is no need to book just simply join the session via the “Live Session Updates” section of the Clinical Coach Standardisation Area on the VLE at your preferred date/time. If you haven’t already done so, check you have access to this area, and complete our virtual learning platform training, before the session at https://vle.caw.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=1538