Veterinary Nursing – City and Guilds Update

Following City and Guilds (C&G) announcement of their intention to no longer offer their Level 3 Veterinary Nursing qualification The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) would like to provide reassurance to employers and students.

From the 1st January 2020 we made the decision to move to the VetSkill Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing for all of our new students. This decision was based on a number of factors which are beneficial to the development of student veterinary nurses and support their progression through to qualification and registration.

College students who have started their Veterinary Nursing programme prior to this date will have the opportunity to complete their programme with C&G in accordance with their scheduled programme prior to the C&G final certification claim deadline of the 31st August 2023.   There will be sufficient time for students to undertake a number of attempts of their OSCE’s should this prove necessary.   However, should a student experience a change in their personal circumstances (e.g. long term illness) during their programme then a different approach may prove necessary.

C&G have also announced that they will not be applying to become an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) for Veterinary Nursing. 

Central Qualifications (CQ) have already been approved as an EPAO for Veterinary Nursing and are expected to make available their service in the summer, possibly sooner.  We understand that Vet Skill have applied to become an EPAO for veterinary nursing and that their application is in process and if approved their EPA is expected to become available likewise in the summer.  The College is therefore confident that employers with students undertaking the Apprenticeship Standard in Veterinary Nursing will be able to arrange for their students to undertake their EPA and complete their Apprenticeship later this year.

As this situation develops the College will be advising apprentices and employers regarding the options available and how the VN Apprenticeship Standard can be completed. 

The College has also provided a list of frequently asked questions that is available on our website.

Finally, The College of Animal Welfare would like to acknowledge its appreciation to City and Guilds for their support of the Veterinary Nursing profession and the thousands of veterinary nurses that they have assisted in achieving their personal aspirations to have a meaningful and valued career in the veterinary profession.

For more information please call The College of Animal Welfare on 01480 422 060 or email