Countryside and Environment

Why Join the Environment Industry?

Working in the countryside is a worthwhile ambition if you’re looking for the chance to turn your passion for environmental issues and wildlife into a rewarding, lifelong career.

Rapidly changing eco-systems and ongoing environmental challenges mean that more people are taking an interest in what we can do to safeguard our planet than ever before. Today, we’re going through some of the main benefits to joining this fantastic industry:

  1. Environmental protection is an important sector

Environmental protection is an important field that impacts our lives every single day.

Managing our land responsibility in the face of widespread industrial progress and ongoing environmental challenges is one of the biggest challenges we currently face. With an ever increasing demand for the use of rural space and the provision of renewable energy, it is crucial that our wildlife land areas are managed and protected successfully. As such the countryside and environment industry works to maintain land in a responsible way, and improve the habitats of our wildlife.

In the face of these challenges you may feel defeated, or they may inspire you to take action – either way, our responses reveal just how vital protecting our environment is for our present and future. If environmental sustainability and environmental health is a message that resonates with you, then you may be looking for a career in the environmental sector. 

  1. There’s varied career options in the environment sector

One advantage to entering the environmental sector is that it is really varied. You can choose from a wealth of career paths with varying educational and professional requirements depending on where your passion lies – you could be anything from a Countryside Ranger or Gardener, to an Ecologist, Hydrologist or Gamekeeper – and that’s only scratching the surface of the options available to you. Working in the industry, you could be involved with monitoring animal populations, managing land sustainably or researching and conducting ecological surveys. Take a look at the national careers service environment career profiles to look at the options open to you.

  1. There are opportunities to work from anywhere in the world

Our environment is constantly changing; and faces a number of ongoing threats to its future conservation, such as: pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, and global warming. These threats transcend national barriers, affecting populations and wildlife both in the UK and overseas. With so many possibilities as far as which sector you can work in, there are many different ways you can make a difference around the world.

As an environmental professional you may conduct your work in an office, or you could be spending time out in the field — which could be a country park, a mountain, beach, seashore or any other type of environment. In essence, working on environmental matters could bring you out into the nature you love on a daily basis.

  1. You can better understand the planet and how we can protect it

By working in the environment industry you will gain wealth of background knowledge and awareness of environmental issues, and how they can be tackled through various management and conservation methods, which can in turn help you to look after our natural resources. You will be a part of important work to prevent problems that come when we fail to care for our natural resources, including species extinction, spread of pollution and permanent geographical changes.

  1. You’ll be able to embrace a passion for nature and make a real difference to the planet

As an environmental professional, you have an opportunity to help influence environmental change and turn it into something positive. Ensuring that our habitats are conserved is a worthy mission that brings high levels of job satisfaction and a strong sense of personal achievement. If you’re looking to put your passion for the outdoors to good use, then a career in environmental management and sustainability could be for you!

Get qualified doing a job you love in the countryside with our Level 2 Diploma in Countryside and Environment

Ideal for those looking to begin a career in the countryside and environment industry, our Level 2 Diploma in Countryside and Environment course will give learners an introduction to the principles behind environmental management and conservation. This programme is also suitable for those already working in the industry who would like to expand on existing skills by gaining a formal qualification. If you have a passion for the outdoors and are interested in learning about how to improve the habitats of British wildlife, this course is a great opportunity to gain valuable industry experience, whilst working towards a recognised qualification that complements your practical skills.